Central Africa • Travel
My 3 Favorite Travel Watches
Posted on July 12, 2019
My Style Has Changed
After visiting 120 countries my travel style has become a lot more simple.. At first I thought expensive things were really cool. Gold watches, Rolex, expensive jeans, expensive clothing, shirts, t-shirts, sneakers. It was all a fascination! It all had to look and be expensive! I played at lot of semi-professional football from 16-19 and the environment I want in was all about which belongings you had and material stuff.
Started Traveling
When I started to travel more my mind started to change slowly. I realized that spending too much money on clothing, meant less money for travel and experiences. Because I had more and more beautiful eye-opening travel experiences, I wanted more of that and therefore I cut down on the expensive clothing.
I took a big world travel for 6 months and it was here I realized that expensive clothing, watches and jewelry only put you in a lot more danger when you’re traveling the world.

Luxury Watches Are Not For Traveling
I started to let my hair grow long and wear pretty simple travel clothing and it actually felt really good to change my focus a bit away from this luxury lifestyle. To not have to worry about spilling Ketchup on your expensiveshirt or getting attacked and having your watch stolen. Luxury watches are simply just not for traveling. If you only travel to places like Saint Tropez to drink Crystal champagne for a few weeks or Formentara in Ibiza, you can surely flex with your Rolex, no problem at all mate, but try to go through Africa or South America with a Rolex and see what happens.

When I went to Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, I saw a guy getting his Rolex watch stolen, I saw an old man getting jumped by 5 criminals who snatched off his gold chain right in front of my eyes and I heard gun shots in the street next to me, so I had to run away all I could. That made me realize: Wearing too expensive clothing when traveling is maybe NOT a good idea.
My 3 Favourite Travel Watches
Having had more than +40 watches, this is the list of my 3 favorite travel watches.
1. Michael Kors MK8400 – Jetmaster
This Michael Kors brings back amazing memories for me. Can’t count how much mud, rain, dust and all it has been through, but this watch is strong like few. Simple watch that doesn’t attract too much unnecessary attention in Africa, and still looks super awesome. I’m considering buying one again actually! I even scuba dived with it in Maldives, because it’s 10 ATM Water Resistant. It can go down to 100 meters.

2. Daniel Wellington

This Daniel Wellington Watch has been an essential part of many of my travels. Simple and stylish! You can buy it cheaply through Amazon with quick delivery. Classic watch!

3. The Apple Watch
This Apple Watch Series 4 has GPS, heart sensor and when I play football I can answer calls on the Apple Watch, so I don’t need to carry my IPhone in my pocket. So many cool new features. I think it’s really nice to connect to your IPhone, just like your Airpods, GoPro HERO 7 Black, MacBook etc., it just works together very well. I just had the Apple Watch, so I can’t say too much yet, but because it’s not too bling bling, it will be great to travel with in most places. Thieves go for more expensive and flashy watches!
Might try some new watches soon, but these 3 are highly recommend!

Have you changed your travel style? What’s your favorite travel watch?