1: Every Night – To-Do List

Almost every night I write a to do list on my phone for the next day. It’s not every time I manage to do it all, but it helps me to get an overview of what’s needed to be done and usually I try to do the most important things first. It has helped me a lot to be more productive, even though science says it’s not always good to do a to-do list. For me it is.
2. Silent Sleeper

I sleep very silently (I was told) – and one time I was forgotten on a kindergarten trip, because nobody could hear me sleeping, so they just left without me. Lucky for me they came back 30 minutes later, when they realized they had forgotten the silent sleeper.
3. White Hair, Everywhere

I have the most hairy legs and arms, you’ll ever see (tons of white hair.) I’ve only seen one guy with the same amount of white hairs as me, my Danish/American friend Alfred Thomas @partyalf on Instagram. We are in our own blonde, hairy league 🏆
4: Introvert

I’m actually a BIG introvert! When I travel I become more extrovert, but I’m an introvert with great pleasure in spending time alone. I need social breaks often. I personally think everyone should spend some more time alone, to better understand themselves and their direction in life, and if you’re an introvert like me, you should see it as a strength and not a weakness, because you’re able to reflect alone, while others need to be social all the time! As long as you don’t become lonely (I rarely have that feeling), being an introvert is super awesome!
5: I’m A Lonely Child

– I’m a lonely child! Maybe it made me more introvert, who knows? I’m used to being alone and I love it. ‘You’re a lonely child, so you’re spoilttttttt!’ Heard that comment a lot, but actually not really! I have some very loving parents, but I come from a normal Danish family and my parents told me from the beginning: “If you want to travel you’ll have to pay yourself,” and hard work and smart thinking has been the key to my traveling. Sometimes I had the money, sometimes I didn’t (then I just saved more and worked harder,) but somehow I always found a way to travel! Lonely child or not, things were never given to me, selective decision making has been the key for me, and I’ve worked hard to be able to travel.
If you’re willing to make the sacrifices it takes, you can do it too!

– I watch very little TV! I only really like watching my favorite team (Real Madrid) play football! I simply need to watch them play wherever I am in the World, weird habit, but it’s a must! It does happen I watch documentaries I can learn something from and I watch the News once in a while if they’re not too sensational! UGH, hate it! I think it’s mostly a waste of time to watch TV and I’m more of an active person than a passive person, so I would rather do something productive. I did watch some episodes of Fresh Prince of Bel Air on a flight trip recently and that was pretty hilarious! All being said, time you enjoy wasting is never wasted, and it happens I have something totally stupid reality TV playing in the background when I’m home, while I work on my computer, but in general I watch way less TV than the average person and I’m not updated on any TV-Series! SO SORRY! But ask me any travel questions and there’s a good chance I know 😉

– I’m not a routine kind of guy. I honestly wish I was, it would make a lot of stuff easier. But I usually never have 2 similar days in a row. Having a 9-5 job, a house, a girlfriend, a nice car, two kids and a dog would be super nice, but even though I might soon have the age for that (27 now,) I think I will wait a bit. I STILL WANT ADVENTURES! I don’t have 2 of the same days after each other and to be fair I actually like it! If I make a travel video, I usually never produce it the same way as the last one I did. I don’t wake up the exact same time 2 days in a row. Impossible! And 60-70% of my time, I don’t put an alarm for the morning or schedule too much. Maybe I should get better at this! Will improve my routines in 2020…. I promise!
8: A True Night Owl

I work better in the night than I do in the day. I easily get distracted during day time, but when the night comes and I have the feeling everyone is doing nothing or sleeping, I’m more focused and more motivated to work! It’s a thing I work daily on changing, because it’s better to get a proper night of sleep, wake up a bit early (not too early, right?) and then get something out of the day. Another one for the upcoming year!
9: Family Guy

I’m a big family guy with my nearest family, and in between my travels, work etc. I always make time to visit my parents and grandparents and spend time with them. Would never make up excuses to not see my family, because they did so much for me as kid and I really like spending time with them. You never know what tomorrow will bring and I don’t want to live my life with any regrets!
10: Influencer? Wait… What?!

– I don’t consider myself as an influencer, and I think most people calling themselves influencers are quiet annoying and usually not very inspiring! I’m just Gustav, a Danish guy who loves to travel and loves to inspire others to see the World 🌍
11. Irritated Eyes

I have irritated eyes a lot of the time, maybe it’s because of my perfume, grass and dust allergy, but sometimes my eyes get red and sometimes I can’t look too long on people, because my vision gets blurred and my eyes get dry. It’s annoying when you want to take a good selfie or make a good video somewhere, but you look like someone who drank all night yesterday, yet the reality is just different. My eyes are just irritated sometimes!
12. Looong Hair

I started getting long hair in the early 2015, and remember getting many comments in Australia that I look liked Kurt Cobain! I honestly prefer my short hair, but it was a fun time and I think everybody should try some new styles out and do whatever they want and try stuff out, without thinking about what other people say or think!
Live your life, take chances, be crazy. We only have this one life to live, so why worry about what others think? Let’s make some funny memories and enjoy this life while we’re here!
13. Not Perfect

Sometimes I seem to have the most perfect life, because I travel a lot, but I’m not perfect and my life isn’t either. I struggle with a lot of the same problems as you might do. What makes me ‘different’ from others is I’m an optimistic person, and if I fail in one thing, it doesn’t mean I have to fail in the next thing. More smiling, less worrying. Keep going! I’ve failed plenty of times, but your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of our lives. Tough situations build strong people in the end! You don’t have to have it all figured out to move forward, take it step my step, we all have our own clock! Maybe you find your passion at 25, maybe you find it at 80, just never give up and always be grateful for the small things in life!

Now you maybe know me a bit better.. Did you enjoy reading my honest truths?