The EXACT Reason Why You Should Travel MORE! (With Solution!)

Sitting home and want to go travel? I understand you and I’ll now tell you the EXACT reason why you should pack your stuff and go traveling ✈️ “But how? It’s expensive, right?” There’s a solution to make it possible!

At Taj Mahal, India

My Realizations From Traveling

I’ve made some realizations during my last 7 years of traveling, living a lot of the time out of a backpack, which I’m really grateful for I’ve experienced! When going back to Denmark, I sometimes had a place to stay and sometimes not, having to move all of my things from one place to a storage room or crash friends or even my parents place. It’s difficult to move around all the time with too much material stuff you have to carry with you. For me too much stuff doesn’t really match with my travels around the World.

Teyateyaneng in Lesotho

I know if I want to travel, I have to drag my stuff along or make sure it’s in a safe place before I can leave. It’s annoying, especially if you have a lot of things! I’ve seen the material possessions I have decrease more over the years. When I was younger it was mostly about impressing friends with expensive things, but now I mostly don’t care about material stuff, except clothing to some extent, and even if I see a nice car, I think of expenses, rather than how awesome it looks! Working more hours to afford it = Less travel.

No way!

Chitzen Itza, Mexico

I still have some things I’m not willing to let go off (Airpods, Sony A6000 Camera, Osprey Fairpoint 40 L Backpack, etc.. Basically these 20 things in this link, but I’ve become more of a minimalist nonetheless by traveling the World over the years. I now have more stories to tell and less stuff to show.

Holding my first travel speech in Erbil, Iraq

Your Choices?

Ask yourself: Did I really buy this Mercedes car or that Rolex watch, because I genuinely love it so much? Am I so truly passionate about this thing and is it TOTALLY for me, not for others? Or did I actually buy it to fill out an emotional gap I have, or maybe to impress a person I don’t even like? Why did I spent money I don’t have, now having to work extra hours, having less hours to do what I really love? Everybody is probably guilty on buying something to impress others, to boost their ego for a short period, for the sake of getting compliments and mostly fake recognition from their friends. Maybe it’s time to change.

Hvar Waterfalls, Croatia

Will Material Stuff Make You Happy?

Most people have this false belief that the more they own, the happier they’ll be. Material stuff will NEVER make you happy! Imagine having the mansion, The TVs.. But having no real friends or family? How would your life be? So many people are slaves to their stuff. But the truth is the more you have, the more you’ll have to manage and worry about. It complicates life.

Walking around freely in North Korea

Have Some Memories

When you go on a vacation, you’ll remember it for years. Those unique experiences become the story you’ll tell forever and a big part of you and I can assure you that nobody will remember your expensive, yet uncomfortable designer couch or $10.000 flat-screen you just bought in 8 years from now. It’ll be garbage!

On the other hand you’ll always have the memories to look back on from traveling.

It’s a brother-thing! Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

Shoes And Bed Are Kind Of Important

All being said: Choose your shoes and bed wisely. That’s were you spent most of your life and I really love my travel shoes, most of all the Nike Air Max 97 (on the pic) or the Nike Airmax 270. Both perfect travel shoes for men! Just thoughts from me on a Friday evening, preparing myself slowly in Sweden to go back for a new ride in Africa. Starting with going back to Ethiopia and then I’ll see where the roads will take me..

Dubai, Abu Dhabi

Do you agree with some of these thoughts? Guilty, not guilty?




Follow me on Instagram @gustavrosted