The Faroese language isn’t widely spoken and not even Google Translate can help you in Faroe Islands.

Why Learn Some Faroese?
In general knowing a few words of the language of the country you’re visiting can really go a long way!
You’ll impress Faroese people if you know a bit of the rarely spoken language, eventhough most people can communicate in English or Danish most places here. Here are some of the key Faroese phrases that can help you in your travel to Faroe Islands, which I know will be soon of course!

Sometimes it can be a bit embarrassing to go to a café or something and realize that you don’t even know how to say “thank you” once you’ve purchased your lunch! So here are the basics!
Faroese Key Phrases
// Hi – Hey (pronunciation same as in English)
//Goodbye – Bei (pronunciation same as in English)
//Thank You – Takk “Tahk”
//How Are You? – Hvussu Hevur Tú Tað? “Kvossu Havur Tu Tehr”
//I’m Fine – Eg Havi Tað Gott “Eh Havur Tehr Gott”
//What’s Your Name? Hvussu Eitur Tú? “Kvossu Eiter Tu?”
//My Name Is Gustav – Eg Eiti Gustav “Eh Eide Gustav”

//Excuse Me – Orsaka “Orsh-akha”
//Do You Speak English? – Tosar Tú Enskt? “Toah-sar Too Enskt”
//I Don’t Speak Faroese – Eg Tosi Ikki Føroyskt “Eah Toah-seh ich-eh Fuhr-iskt”
//Have A Nice Day – Hav Ein Góðan Dag “Hav Ein Godan Dakh”
Finally, maybe the most important phrase to learn in any language:
//One Beer – Eina Øl “Eye-nah Uhl”
Having most of my family on Faroe Islands, I know a bit more than this, but what about you? Do you have any other Faroese phrases that would be helpful for travelers? Leave them in the comments!
By clicking here you can find out why you should book your flight tickets to Faroe Islands immediately!
– Gustav