I had 11 awesome days traveling around Zimbabwe, and now I want to share with you the 5 most hilarious things I did during my time in this landlocked country in southern Africa, which is officially named the Republic of Zimbabwe, formerly known as Rhodesia.

1. Celebrating Christmas in Zimbabwe

There is something special about a hot Christmas (especially when you’re from a cold country like Denmark,) and celebrating Christmas in t-shirt and shorts in the heat is just what you need. I love escaping the cold winter from home! To celebrate Christmas in Zimbabwe with two of my good Danish friends was a great experience, and after some delicious African food for dinner, we went straight to the dessert, which was of course some super spicy Carolina Reaper chili’s, which is the strongest chili in the World, (because it wasn’t hot enough already?!) My friend Emil went puking om the grass afterwards and then jumped in the pool to try to save his life! It’s amazing how fast you can empty 2 liter of milk after such a little spicy fellah!
Amazing Christmas in Zimbabwe!
2. Helicopter Tour Over Victoria Falls

It was quiet pricey, but he needed to do it. Helicopter trip over Victoria Falls. 3 big Danish guys and a pilot in the smallest helicopter over the huge waterfalls. We were all looking nervous at each other when the helicopter made strange noises, but at the same time we were amazed to soar over the iconic Victoria Falls— one of the seven wonders of the natural world— on this helicopter flight. An aerial view is definitely the only way to take in the vast scope of the waterfall. Plus, the flight enables you to see both the Zimbabwe and Zambian side of the falls without the hassle of the border crossing. Pretty awesome!
3. Bungee Jumping in Victoria Falls

First we wanted to see how high we could go over the Victoria Falls, and after how low we could get. Bungee Jumping in Victoria Falls was a MUST-DO! It’s a 111m (364ft) drop falling almost into the Zambezi River, jumping off the historical Victoria Falls Bridge with extremely scenic views and crocodiles below. I remember the day before the jump we watched some horrible fails from this place, where an Australian woman went straight into the water. It didn’t make any of us more nervous at all! It was a great experience though!
4. Speed Boat Tour Chasing Hippos

Though they look pretty slow, clumsy and friendly, we all know hippos aren’t necessarily any of these things — they can run very fast, and are Africa’s most dangerous animal to get close to. Hippos kill more humans each year than great white sharks and lions combined! These guys are lethal. So why not take a speed boat through a very narrow lake full of hippos in Zimbabwe? That’s what me and my friends did on the border to Botswana! We were all so scared when our speed boat driver gave it full speed towards an enormous hippo in our super small, cr*ppy speed boat, but what we didn’t know was when an object moves towards a hippo with full speed in a narrow place like this, it apparently makes the hippo scared, so instead of a brutal collision, we saw the hippo turn in the other direction torpedo through the water away from us. That what an absolutely wild experience and I’m so glad it turned around and ran away!
5.Walking Around Wild Rhinos

Is is stupid? Yes. Would I do it again? No. Matter of fact we went walking around wild rhinos by ourselves in Zimbabwe and it was nerve-wrecking as few other things! If these guys decide to attack you, you probably won’t stand a chance. White rhinos can weigh over 3500 kg (7700 lb.) Stupid, stupid, stupid! Will never do it again! I promise!
That’s It And What A Crazy Trip in Zimbabwe!
I forgot to tell you we also ate some delicious crocodile meat, ate mopane worms which were alive (the worst thing I’ve ever tasted – you could feel them moving around in your throat,) drove past Robert Mugabe’s house (it was that time where the military would shoot at your car if you stopped in front of it,) and did some epic road trips. We should have had a diploma for this trip, but at least we had a diploma for eating these terrible mopane worms. They were so bad – But Zimbabwe wasn’t, it was a really great country!