Travel Tips
5 Tips To Make Better Instagram Stories (Higher Engagement)
Posted on August 25, 2019
Instagram Story is the new #1 big thing. Big companies integrate them in their Marketing Strategy big time, and you can actually make a profit on them. Instagram Stories has only been around for a few years, but it’s already managed to gain huge popularity, enjoyed by more than 400 million daily users.
I’ve watched my engagement on my IG-Stories go up 500% by following these 5 steps!

5 Tips To Make Better Instagram Stories (Higher Engagement)
In the beginning I had around 100-200 people watching my Instagram Stories, but I changed a few things and kept these 5 important rules in mind when I make IG-stories, and it literally changed everything. This has helped me to get much more engagement on my Instagram account, which is a new opportunity for me to travel even more and to get more attractive for companies who wants to collaborate with me.

1: Buy an IPhone (IPhone 11 or X)
Seriously, do it! I really recommend you to buy an IPhone to make better Instagram Stories. And get a good one like the new IPhone 11 or IPhone X with 256 GB like me, so you’ll have the best quality, with a good storage capacity. I had a Samsung Galaxy 9 before and the Android quality on the IG-stories is – sorry to say – really bad! I can guarantee you fewer people will watch your Instagram stories with an Android-phone or any old phone in general. That’s unfortunately how the human brain works; We want to see the World in HQ. I personally find stories made with Android phones slightly annoying, because of the slow movement, almost like it’s lacking – really sorry, Android users, but honest talk.. I’ve had Android before, but never again! If you want to make money on IG-Stories, then get a proper, new IPhone.

2: Find Your Niche
Maybe it’s fashion, traveling, food or fitness, or you’re just extremely funny or super attractive, but it’s important for you to find a niche and keep it in mind when you’re making Instagram Stories. My niche is obviously traveling, so when I post on my IG-Stories it’s usually travel-related stuff in one way or another, which makes pretty good sense, right? If you don’t have any niche, there’s a big chance people might skip watching your stories, because it’s maybe nonsense/not-interesting/without purpose.

3: You’re Using People’s Time
A lot of people forget they’re actually using people’s time when they post an IG-Story. But hey, you’re using people’s time! The most luxury gift we have in this World is time, so make sure to give your followers something of value. Making 20 stories of you screaming in the camera to a Katy Perry concert, will make people watch 1-2 of them and then go on to next person’s story – 100%. Maybe you’ll even get unfollowed too after going to 4-5 similar concerts in a month trying to top your Katy Perry-performance, without any success at all… Unless you’re really attractive and are twerking to the camera, you might still have some horny boys watching your Katy Perry-singalong stories, but in most cases people will think stories like these are super annoying.
Nobody wants to see you talking for minutes about the quality of a vegan burger for minutes on your Instagram stories neither. Youtube is for stuff like that! If you have a 10 seconds video you want to post on your IG-story, and 5 of the seconds are good and 5 are completely useless, you can actually remove the 5 bad seconds. Not rocket science, right?
Rule number 1: Keep it interesting!

4: Make Your Followers Active
Make your followers active. Do Q&A’s (Questions and Answers,) where your followers can ask you whatever question they might want you to answer. The more your awesome personality shines through on your IG, the better chance you’ll have for higher engagement. Make a poll, question or a quiz in your story, but don’t spam people! Keep it interesting and keep the other 3 tips in mind always. Bringing a poll or a quiz occasionally is good to make your followers more active and increase the engagement. It helps growing engagement on your IG-account – trust me!

5: Bring Quality Content (Informative)
First of all quality content doesn’t have to be informative. I have friends which stories I truly love watching with no informative aspects whatsoever, but I enjoy them simply because they’re funny and unpredictable! Quality content is whatever leaves the person who watches with a good feeling, more knowledge or with a smile/laugh! Be you, be funny, be crazy, be innovative, be informative, most importantly don’t waste people’s time.. Bring quality content!

You’re Now CERTIFIED To Make Better IG-Stories
You’re now certified to make better IG-Stories! Remember this is only my humble opinion about how to make good IG-stories, but you might find some of the advice useful, I’m pretty sure I’m not the only person who feels this way, and remember these 5 tips the next time you’re going to a Katy Perry concert too!

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