Europe • Travel
Faroe Islands – The Last Paradise On Earth
Posted on December 11, 2018
Why You Need To Go To The Faroe Islands
Unspoiled, Unexplored, Unbelievable. Visit the Faroe Islands and explore Europe’s best kept secret.

Yes, I might not be the the most objective person speaking about Faroe Islands, because my roots are from here, but I can assure you one thing, having been to nearly 100 countries; The landscape in the Faroe Islands is out of this World.
You’re stepping right into a fantasy tale. I have now been to the Faroe Islands 13 times, and when I come back here, there is still something that will draw my breath in awe, as I constantly question myself if I am still on planet Earth… Without a doubt, the landscapes in Faroe Islands are extremely majestic, and one of the islands’ true wonders would be the village of Gasadalur which is home to one of the most surreal waterfalls that exists in this world: Mulafossur.

You don’t have to worry about crowds (yet).
The 18 Faroe Islands have a total population of around 50,000, and is still appealingly low on tourists compared to neighboring countries like Iceland, Norway and Denmark.
With both Atlantic Airways and SAS competing on the route between the Faroe Islands and Copenhagen, Denmark the prices of tickets have decreased and there has been an increased awareness on the Faroe Islands as a tourism-destination. You are still able to hike many places in Faroe Islands pretty much for yourself, which make the beauty of the country stand out even more.

In fact, sheep outnumber humans nearly 2:1.
The name Faroe Island originally means Sheep Island. And you can understand why. Over 70,000 sheep live here. That is more sheep than the entire population of the country. As you can see, sheep is an important part of the culture and history. They have always been a symbol of the Faroe Islands along with the national bird, the puffin.
The coziest capital city you’ll ever see.
The capital of Tórshavn (pop. 20,885) is also the largest city on the Faroe Islands, settled behind a busy harbor on the east coast of Streymoy Island. Within the 66.8-square-mile city are eighteenth-century churches, a handful of museums, a tiny Old Town, and rows of brightly painted houses.

Epic hiking opportunities.
Take Kalsoy, for example, a long, slender island with verdant hills and vertical cliffs. The best way to enjoy the island is to hike to Kallur Lighthouse, which sits on a northern promontory and grants panoramic views of five other islands on clear days.
Best time to go to Faroe Islands
Remember high season is from June to August, summer in the Faroe Islands is a marked contrast to the rest of the year.
There’s daylight for up to 22 hours, and locals pour into the streets to enjoy food festivals, outdoor concerts and nature. Winters are usually dark, stormy and cosy.

Did you know?
There are a total of three traffic lights in the Faroe Islands – all located in Tórshavn. The population of the Faroe Islands consists of 80 different nationalities and there are only two international fast-food outlets in the Faroe Islands: Burger King and Sunset Boulevard.
Helpful Faroese phrases from me to you
Hello: Halló (hahloh)
Thank you: Takk fyri (Takk fi-reh) or Takk (Takk)
Yes: Ja (Ya)
No: Nei (Ney)
Goodbye: Farvæl (Far-vyel)
I’m sorry: Orsakið meg (Or-sha-kee mey)
Excuse me (getting attention): Orsaka (Or-sha-ka)
Excuse me (begging pardon): Umskylda (Um-shil-da)
How much does that cost?: Hvat kostar tað? (Kvat kost-ar tay?)
Is there someone here who speaks English?: Dugir nakar her eingilskt? (Du-cheer nak-ar her ain-gilsk?)
Help!: Hjálp! (Yolp!)
Cheers!: Skál! (Is-kol!)

Do you want to learn the BEST and most helpful Faroese phrases then click here.
Are you ready to go to Faroe Islands now? I hope to see you there next time!
– Gustav