

Posted on November 8, 2021

IRON ORE TRAIN Tour Classic Itinerary



I have now done the Iron Ore Train in Mauritania 7 times and I can tell you this is one of the most amazing travel experiences you can do in Africa, which by the way is my favourite Continent, because of all the wild adventures. To jump on the World’s longest train 700 km through the SAHARA DESERT is one the absolute best and most authentic travel experiences you can get and everyone in my previous groups ranked the trip 1 million/10. These are memories we have together now!

NEW GROUP TRIP –  2nd of OCTOBER to 9th of OCTOBER 2023

Mauritania Iron Ore Train – Gus1thego Expedition

We have additionally added camping at this sand dune, which is not even on Google Maps yet and we will have to find it by driving off road, but we have done it before and will do it again! Are you ready for an experience of a lifetime? Come with me! Here is some info:

The January 2022 and 2023 Gus1thego Expedition in Mauritania were simply unforgettable, but a lot of people were unable to join me on these dates.. I have itchy feet already again, the locals are struggling there with jobs opportunities, so therefore I’m giving you guys a NEW chance to do the Iron Ore Train with me. We will hit up all the highlights in Mauritania from 19TH of October to 26TH of October 2023 and end it with the world’s most fascinating train ride in the Sahara desert. Are you ready to join me?


Day 1Nouakchott

  • We will arrive at your convenience into Nouakchott – the largest and capital city of Mauritania which is well connected from many countries within Africa and most of Europe. You can fly from Tunis, Istanbul or Casablance. I flew from Tunis last.
  • Airport pick up and overnight at a hotel in Nouakchott. We will pick you up from the airport, don’t worry!
  • Go To The Camel Market. We will hit up the largest camel market in Nouakchott, Mauritania
Camel Market in Nouakchott

Day 2 – Chinguetti

  • Wake up in the morning and enjoy a cooked breakfast by camp fire
  • Begin exploring the Adrar Region of Mauritania
  • Visit Azoughi oasis and village for a tea stop and experience how the locals live
Oasis out in nowhere in Mauritania


  • Drive to the UNESCO world heritage site of Chinguetti – a holy city of Islam. You’ll visit the library and other historical monuments and landmarks including the much loved Friday Mosque of Chinguetti, the national symbol of Mauritania.
  • Evening sunset watched from the huge sand dunes of Chinguetti
  • Dinner and overnight at Hotel – Traditional stone guesthouse
One of Islam’s holiest cities, Chinguetti

Day 3Chinguetti – Ouadane


  • Breakfast at hotel. Ready to see the TALLEST Sand Dunes in Mauritania!
  • Begin 80km drive through pure desert and sand dunes: on the way stopping in Tanounichert for a tea stop with the locals – once upon a time it was an important stop of the trans-caravan routes of the Sahara. Ouadane is the Pompei of Mauritania for its sprawling city in ruins which is sure to amaze you. It was here that products of sub-Saharan Africa were traded with those of the Maghreb. The Portuguese arrived in 1487 and transformed the city into a local centre of cultural, economic and scientific advancement.
We will see Mauritania’s tallest sand dunes


  • Explore the streets and see the buildings that once glorified the country as a whole and then move on to the new part of town where you’ll be sure to mingle with the locals.
  • Traditional dinner and overnight in the Hotel.
Ouadane is a magical city that we will explore

Day 4Zoerat – IRON ORE TRAIN

  • Get through a rather chilly, very loud, and pretty uncomfortable night. Then brag about this experience for the rest of your life! 20 hours of absolute madness and one h*ll of a story to tell when you get old! It’s now or never..
  • The Mauritania train is the longest train in the world at 2,500m.
Iron Ore Train, Mauritania is a bucketlist you should tick off

Day 5Noaudhibou

Exploring the harbour city and the cool shipwreck!

Day 6Noaudhibou- Noaukchott


  • An early rise for breakfast and the long drive to the Mauritanian capital city of Nouakchott


  • On the way stopping for lunch at San Francisco Café for a hearty meal and access to WiFi after a few days of deprivation.
  • Arrive in time to catch the lively Atlantic fish market. Every evening hundreds of fishermen bring in the day’s catch on their distinct sea canoes recognized by their colourful hand-painted hulls. The catch is then brought by donkey cart to the city’s markets
  • Visit the National Museum where artefacts of the history of Mauritania and its ancient cities are exposed – this will allow you to have a quite recap of what you’ve seen in the last days.
  • Visit the local craft market where locals specialise in camel wool rugs
  • Driving tour of the massive embassies of the main players of the region – USA, China, France, and Russia.
  • Quick photo stop by the Great Mosque of Nouakchott – funded by Saudi Arabia and built in 1982.
  • Head to the beach for some great people watching. This is where local Nouakchottois come to escape the city and cool off.
  • Farewell dinner at a local restaurant
  • Overnight in Nouakchott

Tour price includes:

  • Airport Transfer *2
  • Accommodation in clean and comfortable 3* and 4* hotel in good location
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner
  • Private transport in a 4×4 and tickets for the train
  • English-speaking accompanying guides
  • All entrance fees

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: IF ANYONE DECIDES TO CANCEL AFTER PAYING, they can NOT BE REFUNDED as we need to pay for cars, guides, hotels, driver and lots of things in advance. YOU DO AGREE ON THIS WHEN YOU HAVE PAID THE DEPOSIT AND DECIDES TO JOIN THE TRIP! Why would you cancel anyway?

Tour price DOES NOT include:

  • Travel Insurance
  • Tips
  • Souvenir/clothing/shopping

Send me an e-mail to on why you should join the Iron Ore Train Expedition! Looking forward to hear from you as soon as possible. Our team will be amazing and I can’t wait do this with you! Gustav / gus1thego


Follow me on Instagram @gustavrosted