10 Weird And Interesting Facts About Somaliland

I went to Somalia a few weeks ago and spent nearly a week in Somaliland. Here’s 10 Weird and Interesting Facts about Somaliland you probably didn’t know anything about!

Climbing mountains in Somaliland

1: Somaliland was an internationally-recognized country for 5 days


Despite the local government’s declaration of independence in 1991, Somaliland is not an internationally recognized country. It is a self-declared republic that has been seeking recognition since.

What makes this most interesting is that, for a brief period of five days in 1960, when Somaliland became independent from the UK, the country existed as an independent state. However, it then agreed to join the rest of Somalia who had been under Italian rule until then to form a greater Somalia.

2: Mobile payments are more used than anywhere else

Holding 500 Somaliland Shilling. 8,000 Somaliland Shilling = 1 USD

Somaliland pays one the lowest rates for mobile calls in the world. Furthermore the mobile payments in Somaliland are so important that they are estimated to account for half of the transactions and they are made in US Dollars. Bill Gates even claimed: “Somaliland is a sort of a country and it is sort of not. It is very small, but it is phenomenal. As a percentage of GDP that goes through cellphone-based money they are the highest in the world.” There are 3 reasons why mobile payments are so high in Somaliland.

Firstly, the Somali currency, the Shilling, is constantly devalued and suffers from inflation, so it is less and less valuable every day.

Secondly, the amount of counterfeit Shilling is so high that the World Bank estimates 98% of the currency is fake.

Thirdly, the exchange rate of the Shilling is about 8,000 per US Dollar, so you only need to exchange 100 US Dollar to become an instant millionaire.

3. It’s the desert, but when it rains, it floods

Inside a private home while the rain pours down in Hargeisa, Somaliland

I was very confused when it started to pour like crazy and the ground became absolutely drenched and flooded. I thought Somaliland would be similar to Djibouti: desertic and dry. But Somaliland is a bit greener and it does get a lot of rain, even if the soil is not particularly fertile. I have never seen as much rain as my 2nd day in Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland. My shoes were totally wet walking around in 5 centimeter water in the streets and I had to run into a private home to escape the heavy rain.

4: Drive on the right, steering wheel on the right

Driving on the right with steering wheel on the right. What was even more crazy was my driver on this pic had no legs

Cars in Somaliland drive on the right hand side of the road but have the steering wheel on the right. This makes for the very weird situations of the passenger seat being next to the oncoming traffic.

This would probably mean that the cars used are imported from left hand driving countries, of which there aren’t too many, but some of which are neighbors of Somaliland. Here I was in a car with a Somali guy driving on the right hand side with a steering wheel on the right and the driver had no legs. How many of you guys have tried that?

5: Spaghetti with your camel, curry with your pancakes

Eating camel in the Golis Restaurant in Hargeisa, Somaliland

After having eaten crocodile in Zimbabwe and kangaroo in Australia, it was the perfect time to try to eat camel in Somaliland. Why? Of the world’s estimated 14 million camels, Somalia, a country of some 10 million people, has more than seven million – the highest number in the world. A big amount of them can be found in Somaliland, which is one of the best places to try to eat camel.

Camel meat is pretty healthy, it is very greasy, fatty and chewy and not the most pleasant to eat. At least not to me, but it’s an interesting experience. So is a pancake with curry! Somalilanders like interesting food.

6: Fast internet and free WiFI

Thumbs up for the WIFi in Somaliland

You can’t compare the slow internet (close to no wifi) in the east of Ethiopia , where I was feeding wild hyenas with my mouth, with the super fast internet for African standards in Somaliland. I was very surprised to find decent WIFi in most hotels and restaurants in Somaliland. Yes, I lost my phone in Somalia, you can read about that story here, but I did have one day with amazing wifi before I was disconnected a week (with no phone) traveling around Somalia and Eritrea. Perfect, right? No seriously, the wifi is pretty great in Somaliland!

7. The Government has an annual budget of only 295 million USD dollars

Photo from my hotel, Hirad Hotel in Hargeisa

The Government has an annual budget of only 295 million USD dollar. Most infrastructure projects are paid by the Somali community through fundraising. No doubt less than 300 million USD dollar is a very low amount for a self-declared country of 3,5 million people.

8. Bring cash here

Out in the wild in Somaliland

Bring cash. Preferably a stack of cold, hard, American dollars. The nation is not hooked into the global financial system in any meaningful way. Cash services are shaping up in Hargeisa, which has just started to launch a series of traditional bank branches and reportedly launched its first two ATMs in 2014. But you still can’t rely on these young banks and ATMs for all your financial needs. Also, Somaliland will try to milk a little money from you as soon as you touch down, charging entry, exit, and security fees at border control, often forcing you to change some dollars to shillings upon entry as well. So remember to bring a good amount of cash to Somaliland, mobile payments are for the locals mostly unfortunately.

9. Las Geel, earliest known cave paintings in Africa

Laas Geel, meaning ‘source of water for camels’, is a complex of  cave paintings located 55 kilometers (34 miles) northeast of Hargeisa, Somaliland. They contain some of the earliest known cave paintings in Africa. Weird combination of cows in ceremonial robes that are accompanied by a giraffe, domesticated dogs, and humans. Laas Geel’s rock art is estimated to date to somewhere between 9,000 and 3,000 years BC.

10. First country to use Biometric Iris scanning voting system for elections

What a great nation Somaliland is. Here at the mountains called the woman’s chest before climbing them

Somaliland will be the first country to use Biometric Iris scanning voting system for elections, the most advanced voting register system in the world. A very progressive and innovative nation!

Hope You Learned Something New About Somaliland

I hope you learned something new about Somaliland after reading these 10 weird, but interesting facts. How many of these did you know before reading this article? Let me know!

See you next time Somaliland

Goodbye Somaliland! Can’t wait to come back here again one day..









Will Quebec Be Its Own Country? (Canada)

After starting my 10 days journey in Canada in Toronto and Niagara, I arrived in Montreal and Quebec and spend some days there, and I noticed how different things are in the Quebec region, which left me with the question: Will Quebec be its own country?

Arrived in Quebec City, Quebec

Quebec Is Like Its Own Country

Quebec is one out of thirteen provinces and territories in Canada, and the second-most populous province in Canada, after the Ontario region, with around 9 million people living in the region. Quebec has never been an independent country, but some would say Quebec essentially is an independent country without the financial responsibility of independence.

Beautiful Quebec City, Quebec

Quebec – The Voting For Independence

In the voting for the Quebec Referendum in 1995 the proposal of independence was rejected by voters, with 50.58% voting “No” and 49.42% voting “Yes.” SO CLOSE AS IT COULD GET to be its own independent country, but it remained a part of Canada. But will it stay like this? Or will it seperate from Canada?

Architecture is much more French-inspired in Quebec City than in the rest of Canada

What Makes Quebec Different To The Rest Of Canada?


Quebec’s soccer team, partly funded by the Parti Québécois, competes only with places such as Tibet in a league of non-FIFA teams. Quebec does not have a separate Olympic team.


Quebec’s Bill 101, passed in 1977, requires French to be given a primary position on commercial signs in Quebec, so when you for instance see a ‘Stop-sign’ in Quebec it says “Arret,” which is the French version of stop.

Quebec has had French as its sole official tongue since 1969.


No difference. Canada (and Quebec) both have super stunning nature!

Hiking in Jacques-Cartier National Park, Quebec


Since 2006, Quebec has held its own UNESCO seat, so they have a separate vote on cultural issues. Similarly, Quebec has its own seat in La Francophonie alongside that of Canada. Canada’s national broadcaster operates in both official languages across Canada, with a predominately French-language presence in Quebec.


The flag of Quebec, called the Fleurdelisé (the Lily-flowered) represents the province of Quebec. It consists of a white cross on a blue background, with four white fleur-de-lis. It was adopted in 1950.

Quebec flag


Unlike other provinces, Quebec has its own controls on immigration, employment, personal taxes and public pension plans. It also holds jurisdiction over health care and education, as do other provinces.


Quebec uses Canadian currency – which includes royal symbols.

National anthem

Gens du pays, a 1975 tune, is used at Parti Québécois events and is widely seen as an unofficial anthem for the province of Quebec.

I really don’t know, but Quebec kind of feels like being its own country to me

Some Of Quebec’s Laws Are Different To Rest Of Canada

Quebec law is unique in Canada because Quebec is the only province in Canada to have a juridical legal system under which civil matters are regulated by French-heritage civil law. Public law, criminal law and other federal law operate according to Canadian common law. Quebec law follows a civil code, based on Napoleonic law and they have lots of exceptions compared to the Canadian law.

Montreal is the biggest city in the Quebec region

So Will Quebec Be Its Own Country?

The people I’ve talked to in Quebec think it will separate, but say they’re maybe not completely ready yet.

Lots of different opinions on a split-up, James Martin fom Toronto/Montreal says — “Quebec has no future in Canada, for all of us. I live in Montreal and Toronto and have a unique vantage point. Language is/was never the issue — it’s culture. For the good of both countries Quebec must separate. The tremendous economic advantages to both nations would be enhanced by incredible cultural growth for each.”

Peter Edwards from Victoria had a different opinion on seeing Quebec leaving Canada: “— I certainly hope not. However, it will never go without being pushed. A parasite does not voluntarily leave its host.”

Last but not least Mark Sidloi, Cote Saint-Luc, Que said: “— Does Quebec have a future in Canada? I surely hope so. It certainly would not have much of a future outside of Canada.”

Jacques-Cartier National Park. Quebec has beautiful landscape, just like the rest of Canada

Impossible To Predict – One Day Maybe

Québec’s future is maybe within Canada, maybe not. Lots of Quebecers would say it’s time to go, but one thing is certain, they aren’t European! Quebecers didn’t go through the French Revolution and their culture and language is different to France. Quebec’s language and culture is protected within Canada for now, and yes, independence would be very challenging indeed, but it’s certainly possible it’ll happen one day!

Discussing Quebec’s future in the streets of Quebec City with some local drinks

Excited to see what’ll happen in Quebec! What do you think will happen? Will Quebec be its own country?






5 Tips To Make Better Instagram Stories (Higher Engagement)

Instagram Story is the new #1 big thing. Big companies integrate them in their Marketing Strategy big time, and you can actually make a profit on them. Instagram Stories has only been around for a few years, but it’s already managed to gain huge popularity, enjoyed by more than 400 million daily users.

I’ve watched my engagement on my IG-Stories go up 500% by following these 5 steps!

In a crocodile village, Burkina Faso

5 Tips To Make Better Instagram Stories (Higher Engagement)

In the beginning I had around 100-200 people watching my Instagram Stories, but I changed a few things and kept these 5 important rules in mind when I make IG-stories, and it literally changed everything. This has helped me to get much more engagement on my Instagram account, which is a new opportunity for me to travel even more and to get more attractive for companies who wants to collaborate with me.

Sky diving over the Iguazu Waterfalls in Brazil

1: Buy an IPhone (IPhone 11 or X)

Seriously, do it! I really recommend you to buy an IPhone to make better Instagram Stories. And get a good one like the new IPhone 11 or IPhone X with 256 GB like me, so you’ll have the best quality, with a good storage capacity. I had a Samsung Galaxy 9 before and the Android quality on the IG-stories is – sorry to say – really bad! I can guarantee you fewer people will watch your Instagram stories with an Android-phone or any old phone in general. That’s unfortunately how the human brain works; We want to see the World in HQ. I personally find stories made with Android phones slightly annoying, because of the slow movement, almost like it’s lacking – really sorry, Android users, but honest talk.. I’ve had Android before, but never again! If you want to make money on IG-Stories, then get a proper, new IPhone.

With two Somali women in Somalia, 2019

2: Find Your Niche

Maybe it’s fashion, traveling, food or fitness, or you’re just extremely funny or super attractive, but it’s important for you to find a niche and keep it in mind when you’re making Instagram Stories. My niche is obviously traveling, so when I post on my IG-Stories it’s usually travel-related stuff in one way or another, which makes pretty good sense, right? If you don’t have any niche, there’s a big chance people might skip watching your stories, because it’s maybe nonsense/not-interesting/without purpose.

Having tea with Fikro in Asmara, Eritrea

3: You’re Using People’s Time

A lot of people forget they’re actually using people’s time when they post an IG-Story. But hey, you’re using people’s time! The most luxury gift we have in this World is time, so make sure to give your followers something of value. Making 20 stories of you screaming in the camera to a Katy Perry concert, will make people watch 1-2 of them and then go on to next person’s story – 100%. Maybe you’ll even get unfollowed too after going to 4-5 similar concerts in a month trying to top your Katy Perry-performance, without any success at all… Unless you’re really attractive and are twerking to the camera, you might still have some horny boys watching your Katy Perry-singalong stories, but in most cases people will think stories like these are super annoying.

Nobody wants to see you talking for minutes about the quality of a vegan burger for minutes on your Instagram stories neither. Youtube is for stuff like that! If you have a 10 seconds video you want to post on your IG-story, and 5 of the seconds are good and 5 are completely useless, you can actually remove the 5 bad seconds. Not rocket science, right?

Rule number 1: Keep it interesting!

With my Algerian friend Djaber in Tipasa, Algeria

4: Make Your Followers Active

Make your followers active. Do Q&A’s (Questions and Answers,) where your followers can ask you whatever question they might want you to answer. The more your awesome personality shines through on your IG, the better chance you’ll have for higher engagement. Make a poll, question or a quiz in your story, but don’t spam people! Keep it interesting and keep the other 3 tips in mind always. Bringing a poll or a quiz occasionally is good to make your followers more active and increase the engagement. It helps growing engagement on your IG-account – trust me!

In the Zagorra desert, Morocco

5: Bring Quality Content (Informative)

First of all quality content doesn’t have to be informative. I have friends which stories I truly love watching with no informative aspects whatsoever, but I enjoy them simply because they’re funny and unpredictable! Quality content is whatever leaves the person who watches with a good feeling, more knowledge or with a smile/laugh! Be you, be funny, be crazy, be innovative, be informative, most importantly don’t waste people’s time.. Bring quality content!

In Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, Wales. Longest place name in the World

You’re Now CERTIFIED To Make Better IG-Stories

You’re now certified to make better IG-Stories! Remember this is only my humble opinion about how to make good IG-stories, but you might find some of the advice useful, I’m pretty sure I’m not the only person who feels this way, and remember these 5 tips the next time you’re going to a Katy Perry concert too!

Hardangervidda, Norway the largest plateau of its kind in Europe

Did you like the 5 tips? Do you agree with me?




3 Things Nobody Knew About Eritrea (Africa’s Most Secretive Country)

Eritrea is a small northeast African country on the Red Sea coast. It’s bordered by Sudan in the west, Ethiopia in the south and Djibouti in the southeast. I was extremely lucky to spend 3 interesting days in Eritrea!

Gustav in Eritrea

Africa’s Most Secretive Country By Far

Eritrea is called Africa’s most secretive country, and I can assure you the State of Eritrea is one of the hardest countries in the World to get a visa for. I personally had to fly to Stockholm and fight to get the visa over several days, and it was several months in the process. For my Norwegian friend it took 6 months to get the visa, so yes, this small African country is super difficult to visit, especially because of the war of independence with Ethiopia, which lasted nearly three decades. The Eritrean Government doesn’t really want foreigners to come.. Prolonged periods of conflict and severe drought have adversely affected Eritrea’s economy and it remains one of the poorest countries in Africa. I was told there still is a lot of land mines in Eritrea from the war, so you have to watch your steps when walking off-the-beaten path.

Around non-English speaking Eritrea the most difficult way possible with no phone

3 Things You Didn’t Know About Eritrea

1. Eritrea (after Egypt) has the second highest archeological historical discoveries in Africa

Kohaito archeological site, Eritrea

The number of archeological sites in the country which was 45,000 previously has now increased to 80,000. Eritrea is an ancient civilization dating back thousands of years ago. It is a land that had been inhabited by early humans for long. This informs its numerous archeological sites as proof of the early human habitation. It is considered the world’s archeological Eden.

2. Isaias Afwerki has been Eritrea’s only President since independence to present

Ethiopian Prime Minister Ethiopian President Abiy Ahmed and Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki signed a peace deal in July 2018 and reopened the completely closed borders between the two countries

How many countries only had one President? Not many! Since Eritrea gained independence from Ethiopia through a UN-supervised referendum, there has hardly been any elections despite the first one having been scheduled in 1997 after the adoption of the Constitution that declared Eritrea as a democracy.

Wars with Ethiopia was used as justification for postponing the first scheduled elections. Afterward, there have been mountains of excuses not to hold another one to date.. Therefore Isaias Afwerki is the only President Eritrea has ever had!

3. Eritrea has 10 languages such as Tigrinya, Arabic, English, Saho, Bilen, Afar, Kunana, Nara, Tigre, and Hedareb

In a park in Eritrea with flights which were shot down during the war

Being a multi-ethnic nation, Eritrea has many languages. Constitutionally, there is no preference for one language over another. However, practically, Tigrinya is the most widely spoken local dialect and English is very rarely spoken in the country from my experience.. I met only few people during my 3 days around the country, who could speak a little bit of English. People who could speak English had lived outside of Eritrea and was back there to visit.  So learn yourself some Tigrinya, remember you can use it in Ethiopia too!

Tank graveyard.. Eritrea, what a special country!


Eritrea is a country with rich history and an old civilization dating back several thousand years ago. It has one of the ancient human habitats, evidenced by the high number of archeological sites that reaches almost 80,000. Public transport was illegal for tourists to take until 2018 and it’s very complicated to get around the country to say the least.

Trying to get around Asmara, Eritrea on an old bicycle

Should You Visit Eritrea?

However most people I met in Eritrea was nice despite the language barrier, and despite not having my phone in these region for a week, which didn’t make anything easier. Read about that story here! Eritrea’s capital city Asmara has been branded by UN-Habitat as a world heritage site and Eritrea has great marine tourist sites, plenty of flora and fauna and scenic terrain. Eritrea is a place worth visiting to learn more about the hidden treasures of Africa.

It was overall an interesting visit to Eritrea, which has went through so much brutality and still is suffering. I hope to come back one day, when the country is more developed, it was however fascinating exploring Eritrea at this time (it seemed to raw and pure) with no tourists whatsoever. Very unique experience!

Eritrean Nafka. You’re not allowed to take them with you out of the country, but I took a few with me as a special souvenir

Thanks for this time, Eritrea! See you again one day for sure, and I can’t wait to see the positive direction you guys are hopefully heading towards. Will follow this country closely and I’m sure thing will get better.

Very Italian-inspired capital, Asmara. Goodbye Eritrea!




1 Week In Somalia And Eritrea With NO PHONE

I had one of the best days in Somaliland climbing mountains, seeing tons of camels roaming around and enjoying amazing Somali food, but to be honest the next day was one of the worst in my life.

Out and about in Somaliland

Perfect First Days In Somaliland

A perfect day in Somaliland was coming to an end, which I had spend with local friends, whom I got in contact with through my phone which is 80% the way I get in contact with people. We went out on a roof top restaurant in the evening with views over Hargeisa and I ate camel for the first time in my life, which wasn’t as good as crocodile to be fair, but indeed good! A day with so many cool experiences and memories never to forget. We agreed to do some cool stuff the next day and would just text each other about meeting up somewhere in the city, using Whatsapp as I always use when I’m traveling, so I was really excited.. Everything was just fine..

Climbing a mountain in Somalia with my local friend, Lianura

Worst Day Ever Incoming

I went to bed in my fairly small $6 luxury penthouse suite in Hirad Hotel, Hargeisa in Somaliland thinking, “what an incredible day it has been..” What I didn’t know was the next day was going to be the worst day I can remember in a long time!

What a great day in Somaliland, Somalia

My Phone Was DONE

I woke up super early next day around 5 am and wanted to check my phone (IPhone X), and when I checked for a few seconds the Apps started to close down and my IPhone completely shut down within seconds. Damn, what was that?! I was in tears, how could I get in contact with Lianura and my friends here in Somaliland, how could I plan the rest of my Somalia and Eritrea trip (had around a week left) and how about my videos and pictures? I knew it was a while a go I did a back-up – and yes, I did lose a lot of files after having trying 24 hours to bring back my phone to life without any success at all! All I could see was a Apple-Logo shining bright on the screen. I was completely devastated and the next days all I could think about was, “why didn’t I back-up my phone properly?!” But lucky for me still have evidence from each country I’ve been to, but would honestly rather lose all of my stuff instead of videos/pictures from traveling. Remember to back-up your phone really often guys – I learned it the hard way!

Never seen so many camels as in Somaliland

Losing My Phone Was An EYE-OPENER

It was really tough to see my phone die, especially when you’re in Somalia and Eritrea and can’t contact your family for a week! What were they thinking, would they start an investigation, because they couldn’t get in contact with me? How could I now plan anything moving from Somalia to Eritrea, all the thoughts were running through my head.. Even all the important documents is on my phone, but now there was no other way than finding a way in these tough regions! I guess most people couldn’t do a week without their phone, I had to do a week without mine in Somalia and Eritrea and to be fair it was an eye-opener for me.

Had a special permission to visit a tank graveyard in Eritrea, without using my phone

Lesson Learned

No one spoke English of the persons I met in Somalia and Eritrea (after I left Lionora and her friends), but I had to be much more social and was 110% in the moment, which was actually beautiful to experience in a World where the phone takes away a lot of our time unfortunately. I think I learned a lesson from this experience, maybe it was destiny, a sign from above, even though I don’t believe much in stuff like that..

Around the non-English speaking country, Eritrea, in the most difficult way possible

Be Grateful Always

I was really sad about what happened with my phone, but I started to put things into perspective. How many people can’t see, how many people can’t walk, how many people have bad health, and I’m healthy and complaining about not having my phone? Come on, man.. Move on Gustav, you’re wrong, make this possible without your phone.. And I did!

Massive tank graveyard in Eritrea

We Grow From The Bad Days And Experiences

We grow from the challenges we face. We grow from the bad days and experiences, because that’s when we learn to appreciate things and that’s when we learn how to live with gratitude. You can’t have sunshine without a little rain, and even though you might be really sad right now about something, time will with guarantee heal you and you just have to move on and be grateful for what you have and enjoy the journey. Don’t let anything stop you from reaching your goals.

Climbing mountains in Somaliland

Somalia and Eritrea, thanks for this adventure!












13 Super Weird Facts About Canada

Canada is a big, beautiful and diverse country, which I’m enjoying for 10 days. These 13 facts about Canada are however SUPER WEIRD and interesting!

Mount Royal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

1: Canada has more lakes than the rest of the World’s lakes combined

2: Canada is the World’s Most Educated Country: over half its residents have college degrees

With Mario from Brazil, living in Montreal, Canada. He’s soon a Canadian citizen, educated like so many others

3: Canada consumes more macaroni and cheese than any other nation in the World

4: Canada is the second largest country in the World (land area), right after Russia

In Jacques-Cartier National Park. Canada is so damn big!

5: Canada has the largest coastline in the World

6: Residents of Churchill, Canada, leave their cars unlocked to offer an escape for pedestrians who might encounter Polar Bears

7: “Canada” is an Iroquoian language word meaning “Village”

8: Canada has the third largest oil reserves of any country in the World after Saudi Arabia and Venezuela

Chilling in Quebec, but most of the oil in Canada is found in Alberta, Saskatchewan and offshore Newfoundland and Labrador

9: The North American Beaver is the national animal of Canada

10: Canada and Denmark have been fighting over an uninhabited island (Hans Islands) by leaving each other bottles of alcohol and changing their flags since the 1930s

Coming from Denmark myself, I believe this is how friendly countries go to war with each other

11: Dildo is a town on the island of Newfoundland, Canada

We all have that crazy friend who would love to live here

12: Niagara Falls has the World’s highest flow rate, about 28 million liters, or about 700,000 gallons, of water travel down Niagara Falls every second

Niagara Falls on the American side with Canada in the background

13: No building in Montreal can be taller than the Mount Royal Cross.

No building in Montreal can be higher than this mountain spot. Such a weird rule! (@gustavrosted)

Some really weird facts indeed, but Canada is a super cool country!



The 5 Most Cool Things To Do In Montreal Canada (1.st Time Visitors!)

I’m touring Canada at the moment for 10 days and I was lucky to have 2 days in Montreal, the largest city in Canada’s Québec province. Montreal is an interesting city you simply need to visit when visiting Canada. Here are 5 super cool things to do!

1. Mount Royal

Mount Royal view over Montreal is beautiful

Mount Royal is a large volcanic-related hill in the city of Montreal, immediately west of Downtown Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The City of Montreal actually takes its name from Mt Royal, it’s really a beautiful hike to the top and the view from up there is simply amazing. Fun fact about Mount Royal is no building is allowed to be higher than the mountain, so in downtown area, buildings can’t exceed 120 metres in height and 223 metres as city-wide limit. One of the only cities were I’ve heard about such limit!

Sunset at Mount Royal, Montreal

2.Visit Basilique Notre-Dame

Basilique Notre-Dame, Montreal

You’re maybe crying tears about not visiting the Notre-Dame in Paris before it burned down, but there’s a good second option. To visit the Basilique Notre-Dame in Montreal! The church is located at 110 Notre-Dame Street West, at the corner of Saint Sulpice Street, and the interior of the church is among the most dramatic in the World and regarded as a masterpiece of Gothic Revival architecture. Love that the vaults are in deep blue colors and with golden stars, very charming place. A true masterpiece!

Outside the Notre-Dame Basilica, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

3. Enjoy the specialties

Smoked meat

This is a no-brainer, and probably on everybody’s list already. But it was worth noting nonetheless! Neither of these dish look very appetizing, but trust me – once you’ve had your first bite, you’ll never want to have fries or a sandwich any other way. My favorite is the poutine and ask to get it with meat. Price is 10-12 Canadian dollar for a dish of poutine, but you simply need to try this dish in Montreal. It’s incredible!

Eating poutine in Montreal.. Long ago I tasted something that good.. Maybe I was just hungry

4. Stroll Around The City

Plateau Mont Royal

You can’t really go wrong in Montreal. One of my favorite neighborhoods in Montreal is Plateau Mont Royal, but to be fair there are a lot of really interesting areas. Stroll around the city, eat some of the best bagels you can imagine, visit the Jean-Talon Market or walk on the beautiful St. Paul’s Street. The best way to discover it is to simply walk around Montreal, marvel at the beautiful architecture, browse the local shops, sit at one of the many cafés and indulge in some people-watching. Montreal also has an area called The Gay Village, with a lot of colorful lights and a bit suspect art too, but it’s…. Uhm, interesting!

Never thought I was going to say it, but I’m surrounded by snakes in the Gay Village in Montreal

5. Take a Montreal food tour

The best, and maybe most expensive bagels I’ve ever had. So good!

Montreal is nothing if not a foodie city. Montrealers love to treat themselves to a night out and have a good meal. In fact, Montreal technically has more restaurants per capita than New York City! Rememember to wear your eating pants for sure in this city.. I had my best bagel ever in La Fabrique De Bagel in Montreal.. Food is just in general really good here, yet prices are pretty expensive.

That’s It Montreal

Goodbye Montreal, will miss you!

Goodbye Montreal for now.. It was a lot of fun, happy I came here in the Summer time, as winters in most Canadian cities, including Montreal, are extremely cold. Make sure you visit in July or August preferably! Now I’m off to Quebec City where I’ll spend the next couple of days.. Can anybody teach me French?

Arrived in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Te voir.. Bonne journée!







Feeding Wild Hyenas By Mouth In Harar Ethiopia

My biggest regret from my first visit to Ethiopia was I didn’t go to Harar to see the wild hyenas. Or see wasn’t actually enough, I wanted to feed them by the mouth, as scary as it sounds!

Are Hyenas Dangerous?

Let’s get things straight, a hyena is not a dog or a cat or like your average pet.. Last time I saw hyenas were in the bush in Tanzania where they were tearing an animal totally apart on a safari. From my experiences one of the most dangerous sounds you might hear in the bush is the laughter – the laugh of a hyena, when it signals its excitement when it has found food. Then you usually know someone is going to die soon..

Hyenas in Harar, Ethiopia

Mystical Connection Between Human And Hyenas?

It turns out the tradition of feeding wild hyenas in Harar dates back decades. They used to leave food offerings in the hills, so the hyenas wouldn’t eat the livestock in times of drought. Out of a sudden someone had the bright idea of luring the hyenas to the old city of Harar and then feeding them there.. So cool!

I found the mysterious place around 7 in the evening by incident, when I heard some crazy yelling. My local friend said it was the ‘Hyena Man’ and told me he was calling the hyenas to come and eat. I said: “Okay, let’s go and check it out..” We went close to the ‘Hyena Man,’ and the scream he made was so loud that we had to move away from him after 2-3 times of screaming. The yell sounded so crazy and funny, would’ve made a decent ringtone or alarm waking you up on a rainy, Monday morning.. That sound!

The Hyenas Started To Come

I was there as the only person with my local friend. The ‘Hyena Man” was now sitting with the hyenas circling around him. Brave guy who calls out to the hyenas every night and then feed them with scraps of meat. One local guy came to me and said that one time a hyena bit the ‘Hyena Man’ in the face and that they could be very unpredictable.. Just what I needed to hear.

It was completely dark and the first set of eyes shone in my direction, and then several more. The hyenas had arrived.

Hmmm, I thought, what the hell did you get yourself into this time Gustav?

Soon we were surrounded by several off them.

Wild hyenas everywhere in Harar

More People Started To Come

We were now around 5 tourists and lots of locals, and the ‘Hyena Man’ asked, who wants to feed the hyenas by the mouth? Nobody said anything and then I said: “I will.” A Japanese guy next to me said “good luck man,” and it was needed because hyenas have the second strongest bite of any land animal (the crocodile is number one), one can be somewhat apprehensive, especially as I was the first person there.. You never know!

I went right in the middle and had 3 of these hungry guys right behind me and then they started to get close to me. I felt like I was in the middle of a new ‘Lion King’-movie! Hyenas are not only strong, but huge as well.. I had eye contact with the biggest one and I could hear his deep, aggressive breath as he went straight to my face and took a bite of a piece of meat I had on my shoulder.

With the biggest hyena straight in my face. Hello there!

I was in the middle for some minutes and then it was the Japanese guy’s turn. He went in quickly, took a picture and then he was out again. The same with 3-4 American guys, they couldn’t get out quickly enough. I went in 7 times to the hyenas, really enjoyed their company and found it so fascinating being so close to these bush killers. I knew it was an experience I probably wouldn’t have again, so I wanted to spend as much time with them as possible. When I came out the 7th time, one Ethiopian guy said: “Bro, you’re absolutely crazy!” And asked me for my contact and called me the new Steve Irwin.. Very flattering indeed!

Feeding a hyena by the mouth

Goodbye Hyenas

After 45 minutes I left and wandered back in the dark with a big smile on my face. Right until I met 5 of these guys alone in the night in the streets of Harar! A bit nerve-wrecking, but fortunately nothing happened..

I love seeing wildlife, so being up close with one of Africa’s most dangerous predators was incredible. I will never forget it snapping that meat from right in front of my face.. My best kiss to this date, 100% sure!

Would you try feeding wild hyenas by the mouth?






People Ask Me Why I Love Africa So Much? – This Is My Answer!

There is a lesson for everyone in Africa. I can sometimes be sad about my life and the problems I have, and then go to Africa and see people with 100x bigger problems than me, smiling and enjoying their life.

Why You Can Learn So Much When Traveling Africa?

Appreciation of life (perspective): In my country and in many Western countries people love to complain. Life is sooo challenging, we don’t get the small pay rise we obviously deserve from our boss, why do we absolutely need to pay so much in tax, if I don’t live in the middle of Copenhagen I can’t live anywhere, tonight we’re having fish “badhrrr, I hate fish..” The list go on..

We have endless problems! This is why you can learn so much when traveling around Africa..

In mountain villages in Congo


Travel Africa and you feel like a massive douche bag complaining about some of these luxury problems.. All people have tough periods indeed, but some of the problems we create in the Western World aren’t really problems. In most African countries if you don’t have a job, the Government won’t pay you anything and you have two options: Find a job quickly/be an artists/create an income or go begging on the streets or die.

On the exact border of Congo and Uganda, 2016

Differences Between Western World VS Africa

Appreciation is everything: The appreciation I’ve been privileged to witness in Africa over more than 15 months of travel on the continent is authentic, honest and incredibly powerful in the way it constructs most African people’s life. I have learned to be much more grateful for the small things and I guess the saying: “you don’t see the rich people dancing on the streets” is a very powerful statement. Those people you see dancing on the streets are the ones who have appreciation of life. The happy ones. There are those that live in extreme poverty yes, and in the face of a large stereotype- there are also those that don’t. Not one of them is deprived of an appreciation of life that we may never understand or care to look for.

In Uganda, Kampala with my friend John Kennedy in 2015

The Search Of Happiness

Happiness: Most people I know  are constantly searching for happiness in day to day life. The perfect career, the perfect relationship, the perfect car, the dream house.. If we have a Ferrari, we want a helicopter next! We keep wanting more and more stuff! People are yearning for the next event on the weekend that will distract them from their studies or uninspiring 9-5 job. But we forget living life right now! To be in the moment.. I thrive getting away from this environment here and there, to explore the World and the different mindsets that exists. I like to surround myself with people who value happiness as a rich part of life. The smiles, laughs and joy in Africa can be about the simplest things and sometimes we really don’t need to complicate things too much! Happiness can never be huge amounts of material stuff which limit us!

Happiness is the real key. Climbing Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Generosity Is Unreal In Africa

Generosity: Not generosity like buying our friends a drink, or buying them a meal, but generosity of the heart. Generosity that is not of monetary value, but consists of love, support, encouragement and respect. I witnessed children in kindergarten for those from underprivileged families in Arusha, Tanzania, literally share their food with those who didn’t have any at lunch time. Children, 3 or 4 years old, breaking up their own food, and genuinely passing it to those kids whose family could not provide them food this day. This generosity does not stem from privilege, it stems from values. It stems from understanding what it means to not have anything at all, either from your own experience or from that of people you are close to, and understanding the warmth received from passing on your kindness. I get a little emotional thinking about this kind of stuff, but there are a lot of lessons to be learned about generosity from all over Africa.

Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania.. I love Africa for many reasons

Who’ll Help You The Most When You Need It?

A big challenge for me was getting a ride 1 hour in England from outside Portsmouth to London, because I was stuck there for hours with plenty of cars passing by. But when I arrived to Bissau, Guinea-Bissau with no idea where to go or stay, I was immediately welcomed as a complete stranger inside of a family’s house. They didn’t have anything, but offered me everything they had. I wanted to pay for it all, but they rejected me every time. Real generosity! Sometimes I had the most from the people who had the least.

Getting everything I need in the slums of Bissau, Guinea Bissau

Do You See Why I Love Africa So Much?

Yes, cultural shock may confront most people on arrival, and you’ll for sure meet good and bad people like anywhere else in the World, but once you understand the heart of Africa, you’ll never look back.



7 Weird Facts YOU DIDN’T KNOW About Georgia (Europe)

Georgia is a country at the intersection of Europe and Asia, is a former Soviet republic that’s home to the famous Caucasus mountain villages and black sea beaches, not to forget about the beautiful capital, Tbilisi.

With Georgian friends in Tbilisi, Georgia

7 Weird Facts YOU DIDN’T KNOW About Georgia (Europe)

1: One of the oldest wine producing regions of the World

Georgia is the birthplace of wine. It was accidentally produced for the first time between eight to ten thousand years ago in the Caucasian region. The myths tell that the wine was created by the incidental fermentation on grapes that was later forgotten in a container.

2: The World’s deepest cave – Krubera Cave in Georgia

If you like the idea of going deep down in a steep vertical cave, Krubera Cave is just the right thing for you. Hidden among the extremely mountainous region, the Krubera Cave is the deepest cave on the planet and is 7,200 ft. deep. It will take around 27 days to reach the bottom of the cave for the adventurous souls.

3: UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the Country – Mtskheta

Mtskheta, Svetitskhoveli Cathedral

Georgia has several UNESCO World Heritage sites. It includes the ancient capital city of Mtskheta, a huge cathedral complex of Bagrati and Gelati and the mountainous region of Svaneti. Definitely worth to check out if you’re going to Georgia..

5: Europe’s highest settlement in Georgia – Ushguli

Ushguli has a wide collection of ancient villages situated in the mountainous region of Svaneti. It is recognized as the highest settlement in Europe, at about 2,100 metres (6,900 ft) above sea level and Svaneti is a must see destination in Europe, because of landscapes, hospitality and indigenous traditions.

6: One of the most ecologically diverse countries in the world

Taking a famous sulfur bath in Georgia

Georgia is known as one of the most ecologically diverse countries in the world, as there are numerous climate zones that are ranging from alpine to subtropical and to semi-desert. Did you know you have a chance of finding exciting animals like bears, leopards and lynxes in the country’s dense forests? And you can take the most relaxing sulfur bath ever? Such a cool country!

7: Tbilisi is derived from Georgian word for warm

Enjoying a local event in Tbilisi, Georgia

Tbilisi – the capital of Georgia, got its name from the Old Georgian word ‘Tpili’ which means ‘warm’. The city also has one of the longest and steepest funiculars in the world to enjoy the breathtaking views of the city from the top of the hill. So much fun enjoying the views over this beautiful city!

The aerial tramway, Tbilisi

Did You Know Any Of These Weird 7 Facts?

How many of these 7 Facts did you know about the country Georgia? I’m pretty sure it was less than 2, right? Furthermore Georgia has one of the biggest bicycles in the World and I would love to try it out next time!

The Giant Bicycle, Tbilisi

When are you going to visit Georgia? Or have you been already?




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