I went to The Gambia in Spring 2019 and these are 7 Fun Facts about this small, English-speaking and fascinating, West African country. Some of these facts are probably very surprising to most people!
1. The Gambia is the smallest country on mainland Africa
2. The only country with which The Gambia has a border is Senegal
3. In 1964, the prime minister of The Gambia said that one of the reasons they like to have ‘The’ in their name is to avoid confusion with Zambia
Lovely day at the River Gambia
4. The national football team of The Gambia is nicknamed The Scorpions.
5. People cast their votes in elections in The Gambia by dropping stones in holes.
The Gambia’s flag is red, blue and green with two white lines in between
6.The highest point of the country is Red Rock, at only 53 meters (174 feet) above sea level.
7. The Gambia has 80 kilometers (50 miles) of coastline.
In the Bijiro Forest Park in The Gambia with a lot of wild monkeys
The Gambia is such a green, sunny and beautiful destination in West Africa.. Hope to come back again!
Many travelers will tell you West Africa is the toughest part of the World to travel solo. I traveled West Africa solo over several months, just me and my back-pack, no own car/motorbike and with 0 flights on my trip from Senegal and all the way to Togo. Here’s what it was really like!
Lost 7 kg and reached Togo.. Senegal to Togo, MADE IT!
West Africa Is Forgotten?
On the hunt for wild chimpanzees in Liberia.. Joined by a corrupt police officer
Traveling for the sake of traveling and seeing as much of this kaleidoscope of a world we all live in is about the only reason most of us ever need to travel. Variation is always the inspiration for me. It’s amazing how different (and of course similar) life is across the globe. It’s a great feeling to know this first hand and at least get a foot on each of the World’s major regions. With this in mind, West Africa with all its mystic, alluring place names and sense of adventure is somewhere ignored… or perhaps just tucked away in a corner, way off any round-the-world ticket and just waiting to be explored.
Dangers of West Africa?
In a small village with wild crocodiles in Burkina Faso
For most English speaking travelers it’s way down the list. Let’s be fair, it’s hot, on the whole comparably expensive (flights, visas) and with few noteworthy attractions. What you’ll read about West Africa – the crime, malaria, disease, conflicts, poverty, corruption and lack of infrastructure – might also worry you to a certain extent. Having noted all this, many are still very much attracted to the region and what they imagine will be a lot of virgin ground, few travelers and many of those friendly African smiles you’ll encounter. For me traveling West Africa solo has been one of the greatest adventure travels ever!
Lots of Challenges On The Way
Getting my back fixed in Gambia for 0,30 dollars.. Lots of challenges on the way
Traveling West Africa solo with no car over a long period of time will bring you a lot of challenges. Cars will most certainly break down, there’s always complications of getting around, basic facilities, lack of tourist infrastructure, etc., and from a budget independent travel perspective is on the whole not fun, not easy, not cheap and certainly no picnic. But.. Traveling West Africa has been one of my favorite travels this year. I have been to more than 130 countries in total, and this year I have visit +40 countries (new and old ones,) but West Africa stands out as something really special to me. Maybe because it was the most challenging trip, where I also lost 7kg, but also because of many other things. This trip was memorable!
Most Scary Incidents of My Life
With a Police Officer from Mali, the day after a terrorist attack where 140 people were killed 30 km away from me
I will honestly never forget this West Africa trip, both for the good and for the bad. A big terrorist attack in Mali, a near-death experience (read the story here!) and getting caught in the middle of shootings and explosions in Liberia (read here!,) but I will also remember West Africa for so much good stuff.
So Cool – No Tourists Around?!
Kambadaga Falls in the middle of Guinea.. One of the most beautiful waterfalls I’ve seen!
Tell me one other region in the World, where you’ll hardly meet any other tourists? There are very few people traveling in West Africa. Not a great place to go if you want to meet other people, but if you want the most unique adventures, it’s a perfect place to go. Like being the only tourist at the Kambadaga Falls, after riding a motorbike for hours through some very difficult jungle terrain with terrible roads. So rewarding!
The Hardest Area In The World To Travel?
Stunning views over Freetown, capital of Sierra Leone
Let me be honest with you, West Africa is the hardest area I’ve traveled in. I still remember crossing from Guinea-Bissau to Guinea after a bumpy ride through the jungle on a tree platform in the middle of nowhere during the night. The story is here: The Scariest Border Crossing From Guinea Bissau To Guinea
Closing in on Mali.. Always two guys on 1 seat in West Africa
It didn’t make it much easier to not have my own car, but having to jump on trucks, shared cars, mini busses etc. I loved the adventure in that and getting to live 100% like a local West African-citizen, but to be fair you’re packed in like no where else. I remember we sat 2 guys and a kid on the front seat next to the driver when crossing into Mali, and I had the shift in between my legs, so the driver had his hand in between my legs most of the ride and it was so painful with so little space. My back hurt! In West Africa the car/bus leave when it’s FULL, not one minute before.. And you can always squeeze in one extra person!
Some places the roads are good, some places the roads are bad and some places the roads are non-existent.
What Is Good To Know In West Africa?
Only person at Banfora Cascades Waterfalls in Burkina Faso
1: French Speakers
Remember they speak French in most of the West African countries. I spoke absolutely zero French before coming here, but I taught myself a bit a long the way, because it is very helpful to speak in West Africa. Very few people in the Francophone countries speak English. Now, even with reasonable French, it can be quite hard to get a bottle of water! You can still survive without speaking French (I did,) but I must admit it would’ve been pretty helpful to speak a bit. But again, I learned the necessary on the road as always.
Speaking a bit of French now in Grand-Bassam, Ivory Coast
2: Avoid Scams – Be Patient
I’m very proud to say I didn’t get scammed in West Africa (on a large scale), first of all because I’ve spent a long time in Africa and I know when to be patient and when to be mad, and I make sure to always know the price before I buy anything, because if there’s no price list it can happen sellers will try to charge you a huge amount of money. I have written a really helpful guide on: How To Avoid 7 Scams In Africa
Taking a cap in Abidjan, Ivory Coast
3: Rip Off
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve met so many lovely people in West Africa. But the problem in some countries/areas is that you’ll meet police or people who wants to rip you off. Behind this is the culture of ‘the rich SHOULD give to the poor’. So if you’re asked for 2 dollars for water, it’s not seen as a rip off, just rebalancing the money distribution. If you are on a tight budget you will have to work pretty hard to get the right price on things. I remember taking a photo of a flag pole in Ivory Coast that a local Ivorian guy had just taken seconds before me without any problems. When I took the photo the police yelled “no, no, no!” and took me to the Police Station for 5 hours, where I had to talk to so many different Police Officers.. I kept my patience and explained myself well, and therefore I managed to not pay anything. You’ll most likely meet cops, who are like ‘Devils in Uniform’ who’ll try to rip you off in any way possible, but as long as you’re not scared and keep your cool, you can manage situations like this. It’s a patience game.
I try to always agree a price before I go anywhere! On a motorbike in Togo
4: Bring Cash
There are plenty of working ATMs, but don’t rely on everyone in every town to work. Bring a big amount of cash reserves with you. The CFA currency is used almost everywhere in West Africa and it really cuts down hassle.
No ATM’s here.. On my way to the Kinkon River in Guinea
5: Be Happy And Enjoy
The real West Africa, the music, age old traditions, dances, mystique and big smiles. West Africa is an experience in itself. Go with a positive attitude and don’t let delays or anything destroy your mood. When being in West Africa you just have to go with the flow, and see what the day brings. Be happy and enjoy!
Chilling with a nice family in English-speaking Ghana
Ready To Travel West Africa?
Accra, Ghana
You’re now ready to travel West Africa. To be fair, it’s an adventure of a life-time and I honestly hope I’m able to do it again one day, because I made some memories I’ll never forget on this trip, both good and bad, but I still get a big smile on my face when I think about how raw and cool it was to travel West Africa solo.
Some countries are very popular and are floating with tourists everywhere, but it’s not the case with these 7 countries. These are 7 UNDERRATED COUNTRIES I enjoyed a lot, and you should maybe consider these as your next travel destination!
These are 7 countries that I find really underrated, and you might consider to visit these in the near future!
7. Saudi Arabia
Edge of the World, Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia is a very underrated place with a lot of misconceptions. While some may hate it because of its relatively strict rules, there’s a lot of good in it too. These are 20 Things I Like About Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia has some unique landscape you won’t see anywhere else. But is it safe to go to Saudi Arabia?
A lot of people from my country goes to Sunny Beach or Golden Sands in Bulgaria to get super drunk and party, with some of the cheapest alcohol in Europe. But Bulgaria actually has a lot more to offer. The capital Sofia and the two very beautiful cities Plovdiv and Varna are cool places to visit + the fascinating mountains which exists in Bulgaria and the fact that Bulgaria is a diamond in the spa crown of Europe changed my mind about this country. Yes, you can have a great party in Bulgaria, but Bulgaria is so much else. Bulgaria is rich with natural resources – mineral water, healing springs, pure air (at most places). The mountains and the plains offer different opportunities for rest, relax and heal yourself.
I can recommend to visit the spa Sapareva Banya. Not many towns can say they have their own geyser. Sapareva Banya welcomes its guests by its steaming geyser in the center of the city. The town attracts us with its closeness to Sofia, its friendly locals and its huge amount of pools and thermal delights for resting and getting prettier. It should be named SPApareva Banya. Consider exploring Bulgaria properly!
5. Tajikistan
Tajikistan is beautiful
Tajikstan is very underrated. Its array of cultures, languages, valleys and mountains makes it interesting. The Pamir mountain range, aka the “Roof of the World”, located west, is Tajikistan’s main attraction, with its beautiful mountainous landscape and magnificent trails. Some really nice mountains in general and you have to make time for scenic stops and spontaneous detours by striking moonscapes, glistening lakes, wandering yaks, and the imposingly large, snow-capped Hindu Kush mountains. Tajikistan was a big surprise!
4. Belarus
Brest Fortress, Belarus
Belarus is one of those destinations that has most people scratching their heads and reaching for Google maps. But it won’t be long before travellers from around the globe figure out that it’s one of Eastern Europe’s unsung heroes. I traveled around Belarus in 2017, and to be fair it’s maybe the cheapest country in Europe alongside Ukraine. You get a lot of value for your money here and there’s quiet a lot to see.
My only problem here was the language barrier, when I left the capital Minsk and explored the country. If you don’t speak Belarusian or Russian it’s a little hard to communicate, especially with the older generation. Anyway, I found Belarus, the sights and the prices very underrated! Cheapest in Europe!
3. Ghana
Accra, Ghana
I traveled around Ghana in early 2019, and while the visa was a pain in the arse to get, it was such a great country on the inside. One of Africa’s most peaceful countries and a lot of cool cities like Tamale, Kumasi and Accra and a beautiful country side and nice beaches. The best thing about Ghana is the people, the music and the vibes, I loved the atmosphere in Ghana and enjoyed the characteristic way Ghanaian people speak English. Here pictured at a street celebration in Accra, and I must say the people in Ghana certainly knows how to throw a party and dance to a Sarkodie, Stonebwoy and Kweli Artur-Ghana-banger.. You name it! Great times in Ghana! Some would maybe think it’s a dangerous African country.. Not at all, one of the most underrated and awesome African countries!
2. Iran
Iran, 2018
It’s almost a cliché by now, but Iranians are perhaps some of the friendliest people in the world, and just about anyone that has been will testify enthusiastically to this. Furthermore Iran offers varied and dramatic landscapes, with beautiful mountains, forests and deserts and a lot of Natural Wonders.
Political situation is a little complicated in Iran, but let’s not forget this is truly a remarkable country; super friendly people, inimitably rich in history and natural beauty, and home to some of the oldest civilizations on Earth. All those places that you’ve heard about—Persepolis and Shiraz, the mosques of Esfahan, the Silk Road, the desert city of Yazd, the ski slopes of the Alborz and the otherworldiness of Qeshm island—they’re absolutely worth the hype.
1. Pakistan
The Pakistani people are some of the friendliest and most welcoming people I’ve encountered in my travels. For me Pakistan is the most misunderstood and most underrated country in the World. With mighty mountains, lush green plateaus, golden sand deserts, some of the oldest cities in the World and the emerald colored Arabian sea etc. The list go on! I still have the Hunza Valley in the North of Pakistan stuck in my head. BUT IS PAKISTAN SAFE? Check this video I made there: ‘Is Pakistan Safe?’
Furthermore I received so many gifts and free stuff in Pakistan, which lead me to the BIG question in this travel video: ‘Is Everything Really FREE In Pakistan?’
Pakistan is an experience you don’t want to miss out on and is for me the most underrated country!
These were in fact 7 Underrated Countries that just came to my mind.. Can you name any?
You can get scammed anywhere in the World, not only in Africa for sure. These 7 Advices on How To Avoid Travel Scams are great to keep in mind, no matter where you go. Stay safe out there!
Travel Scams Happen To Anyone?
I’ve traveled a lot over the last 7 years, and to be fair a proper travel scam can hit us all, experienced traveler or not. But for me it has become more rare now that it happens and on a much smaller scale, than in the beginning when I started traveling, because I stick to these 7 rules on how to avoid travel scams.
Pretending to be interested in buying carpets in Tunis, Tunisia 2017
Why Scams In Africa And Not Another Place?
After having spent a big part of my adulthood in Africa, this article is mainly about how to avoid some of the 7 most common travel scams in Africa, but similar scams scan be found in any other continent. So if you go Europe, North America, South America, Latin America, Australia or wherever, you can still use these tips, so you don’t get caught off guard so easily, even though a travel scam can happen for us all.
When I started to travel around Africa many years ago I was often blind folded and trusted wrong people too much, which can be an expensive mistake here. I’ve seen famous Travel Vloggers in Africa pay $300 for a simple 1 hour boat trip in Zanzibar. SCAM! I paid $5 for a half day boat trip, swimming with wild dolphins in Zanzibar, because I went to a local fisherman there and asked him instead. It’s easy for tourists to fall in ‘the tourist trap’, especially if you’re new to traveling around Africa. After the boat trip the fisherman and I became friends and enjoyed some fish together. You have to know your psychology in Africa and quickly find out, which people are genuine and which people have hidden interests with you.
Swimming with turtles in Nungwi, Zanzibar, Tanzania
7 Most Common Travel Scams In 2019 (Africa)
1: Broken Taxi Meter
Cab drivers near airports or train stations are known to pull this scam, but it can happen in any place. When you get into a taxi and start to drive, the driver will inform you, (or not inform you,) that the meter is broken and charge you a ridiculous price (to the tune of 100s of dollars if you’re not careful).
My Experience:
This is a pretty common scam in some African countries. I’ve probably had 10 different taxi drivers try to pull this scam on me around the world and half of them were when traveling in Africa.
How To Avoid It:
I usually agree the price before I get in the taxi, but if there’s a taxi meter I make sure it looks legit and works as it should. I usually check in the first 30 seconds how the taxi meter goes, and if it’s looks wrong, I quickly get out of the taxi. Negotiate rates ahead of time, or ensure the meter is in fact working. If the taxi driver refuses to turn on the meter, or tells you it’s cheaper without the meter, get out and opt for another driver. Not all cab drivers are scammers, but I honestly prefer to avoid taxis if possible.
I usually avoid taxis if possible. Here around Bamako, Mali with a much more fun option!
2: Fake Police Officers
These guys look totally legit?!
The fake police officer scam is a popular one in many large cities or capitals. Most often, a person will approach a tourist and offer illicit items, like drugs. While conversing one or two other people will approach, appearing to be police officers and flashing “badges.” They will then insist the unknowing traveler hand over their passport and wallet. However, they are not police officers.
My Experience:
I’ve had similar experiences, mostly in Africa and Latin America. In Maputo, Mozambique I had fake police stopping me all the time, to check my bag for ‘cocaine’ and other stuff, usually just wasting my time to try to get money out of me.
How To Avoid It:
Never hand over your wallet or passport. Request they show you their identification and then inform them you will call the police to confirm they are who they say they are. Or tell them your passport is locked up in the hotel safe, and they’ll need to accompany you to your hotel. If they don’t allow this, simply walk away.
In Mozambique I asked for the fake cops identification and couldn’t stop to laugh about their homemade Police ID. Some of the fake police men would follow me around for 15 min and in the end ask me for any kind of tips. Tips for the police? Really.. How come, for what?
A lovely city, but sooo much fake police in Maputo, Mozambique
3: Friendly ATM Helper
Someone approaches at an ATM cash machine to help you avoid local bank fees. What they really want to do is scan your ATM card with the card skimmer in their pocket and watch you enter your pin number, so they can drain your account later.
My Experience:
I never fell for this scam, but a close friend of mine did in South Africa.
One man was the helpful local, the second pretended to be a fellow customer waiting in line who agreed with what the first was saying. When the first guy cancelled my friend’s transaction and told him to try again, he then scanned the password and the other guy quickly took his card, a car quickly pulled up to the side in literally no seconds and off they were, leaving my friend running after them in tears.
How To Avoid It:
Never let anyone near you while you’re making an ATM transaction, and ALWAYS cover the number pad with your other hand while entering your pin code. If someone approaches, take your card and find another ATM. Always have a look over your shoulder to see if anyone is too near to you.
South Africa is beautiful, but can be brutal with scams at certain places!
4: Injured Or Child Beggars
Usually deaf, blind, or pregnant, sometimes accompanied by a “helper”, beggars will ask you for money. Women with babies are common (they might not even be theirs). Children are also frequently used by begging gangs to collect money. Why? Because it’s difficult for most people to say no to the old, injured, or young. Sometimes an accomplice nearby is just watching to see where you keep your wallet, so they can pickpocket you later.
My Experience:
You’ll see this stuff almost everywhere.
How To Avoid It:
It’s practically impossible to distinguish who is legit and who is not, so my policy is to never give cash to street beggars. I’m a very emphatic person and I want to help everyone suffering, but when traveling in Africa or other places in the World, it’s a big mission impossible to help everyone. However I do buy food, water or giveaway old clothes sometimes. Then your money isn’t going to a gang, alcohol or drugs.
Traveling around mountain villages in Congo
5: Gemstone Or Carpet Deals
A local man casually brings up his lucrative side business of buying jewelry, gemstones, watches or carpets then selling them back in the United States (or some other country) for a fat profit. He offers to share how he does it, and shows you where to find the best deal. The only problem is that these products are fake.
My Experience:
This has never happened to me. For me I don’t believe in the stories that: “Jesus had this earring in his ear or washed his body in this towel,” but I can assure you that some people do and pay A LOT OF MONEY for their stupidity, because they’re actually just getting scammed!
How To Avoid It:
Don’t buy expensive luxury items overseas while on vacation, no matter how good the deal is. Remember, if it’s too good to be true, it’s probably a travel scam.
In North African countries like Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia people will try to sell you some really expensive overpriced stuff in some cases!
6: Flirtatious Local Women
You arrive to a new country only to discover that beautiful local women seem to pay much more attention to you than back home. One of them invites you out to a nightclub or bar. However after a wild night, the woman disappears and you’re forced to pay an overpriced bill. Or worse, drugged and robbed.
My Experience:
This hasn’t happened to me. I can usually see what a woman’s intention is quiet easily. If she gives me the wrong signals, I know I need to be aware and in most cases I stop the conversation before it even gets started. There are much better women to surround yourself with than these types!
How To Avoid It:
Be wary of attractive women who are unusually forward or hitting on you aggressively. I know it is every man’s dream to be propositioned by beautiful women, but if it’s not a normal occurrence for you, then it’s probably a scam and you can end up paying big time for it!
Out clubbing! With an ex-gang member from Mozambique, who came out on the right side and is now employed in my Mozambican friend’s Henry’s company
7: Fake Bus/Train/Plane Tickets
Someone offers to sell you train tickets at a discount, or avoid the line and pay a slightly higher price. Maybe a taxi driver offers to bring you to his friend who’s a local travel agent. However the tickets they are selling aren’t real, and by the time you figure it out, the scammers are gone with your money.
My Experience:
One time when entering Gibraltar a man started to scratch my rental car in the front window and asked for 20 euros for the ticket. I was very confused on what happened, and I was just about to give him the money, when I realized he looked drunk and it was a scam, so I drove away. Ticket scam! Also I bought a fake bus ticket in Zambia for a long drive, but the bus driver was nice to me and let me in the bus anyways! Top guy!
How To Avoid It:
Always buy transportation tickets from the official ticket office or website.
After a nice game of football in a little village in Zambia, where I had a ticket scam right before!
Try to stay avoid these 7 scams, and you’ll enjoy Africa a lot more and it will be relatively cheap. If you do something over the top extraordinary when traveling in Africa, it’s obviously pricey!
1: Climbing Africa’s Highest Mountain, Mount Kilimanjaro
Climbing Kilimanjaro isn’t cheap, but it’s one of the absolute best thing you can do!
2: Paying the gorilla permit to see the mountain gorillas in the rain forest in Bwindi National Park, Uganda
Will never forget my time with the wild mountain gorillas in Uganda in 2015
3: Safaris can be a bit expensive also, but worth it!
Safari in Ngorongoro, Tanzania 2016
But sometimes even for a safari in Africa you can pay very little…
Walking around wild rhinos for free in Zimbabwe, 2013
Africa is cheap (just avoid the scams)
I hear many people saying Africa is so expensive to travel, and yes, it is more expensive than South East Asia, but in most cases what adds up the expenses are the scams. Visas and accommodation can cost you a bit, but public transport, food and a lot of other stuff are in most African countries extremely cheap.
Eating local Kenyan food with my buddy John Kennedy in Nairobi, Kenya 2016
Remember to question everything and make sure you know the price before you’re getting a taxi, a new haircut or buying food. I usually confirm the price on the calculator on my phone to avoid misunderstandings. I had a taxi driver wanting to scam me in Senegal recently by putting an extra 0 on the price, but I already had confirmed the price with the taxa guy on the calculator before we went. In that way I had no problem rejecting his new price. Also remember to have TOTALLY ORDER in your passport, documents, stamps, vaccinations etc., a small mistake in any of these will be super expensive at a corrupt police check-point. Last but not least, don’t wear expensive clothes or jewelry when traveling in Africa, in this way you invite scammers to come to you straight away. I usually wear basic shorts, a normal t-shirt and a dirty cap, when I’m in crowded markets or places to avoid getting too much bad attention.
Africa is the continent where everything is possible, so remember to check out your options before you do something. And remember to try to avoid these 7 Most Common Travel Scams, it’ll help you!
With the National Team of Swaziland in the ‘new country,’ Eswatini 2018
Travel Scammers Suck!
The truth is that no matter how prepared you think you are, you’ll eventually fall for some sort of travel scam. But don’t let this deter you from traveling the world. Think of it as a rite of passage.
Sure, it’s embarrassing to be tricked out of your money, but there are always worse things that could happen. It’s just a learning experience. At least that’s how I look at it! For me Africa is the best continent to travel, both on the good and the bad days and scams can happen anywhere..
Are you considering to visit Africa and maybe a little scared of the big continent?
I have spent a big part of my life on the African continent and it’s my favourite continent to travel, because it’s the 100% most adventurous.
Picture from my stay with the Banna Tribe in the Omo Valley, Ethiopia
Africa Feeling
I always felt a particular affection for Africa. Since childhood, I’ve been incredibly interested in its culture and history; I listen to African music daily (afro pop, bongo flavour) and have a big African bucket list and generally feel connected to this huge and complex continent. But the truth is, I did not meet many people who shared this interest. Most of my friends dreamed about places like Paris or New York, not remote African towns. Many tourists want to feel comfortable and it might be easier in most of the overcrowded touristy European cities, but for me the most unique travel experiences are found in Africa.
There are some countries in Africa you shouldn’t start with to gain experience in traveling Africa.
And then there’s Senegal
I recommend you to start your Africa adventure with Senegal, a country with no extreme weather conditions (only in few places), acceptable facilities and the most welcoming people. These are some of my travel memories to this country, including a few suggestions and advice to go backpacking Senegal.
Senegal is not a country to see, but rather to experience.
Dakar, Senegal
Useful Information
Languages: French and Wolof. Religion: mostly Muslim population (however, it feels like a “more open“ version of Islam, in which women have a fairly active role). Money: the unit of currency is the West African CFA franc (1 € = around 656 CFA). Weather: Senegal’s peak season goes from December to May when the weather is pleasant and warm. The rainy/wet season normally begins in July and ends in September. Temperatures are high in summer.
Senegal is a cheap country and you can go around 1 hour in taxi for 3000 CFA / 5 euros, so don’t go with anyone suggesting 10,000 CFA for a 15 minutes drive, just keep that in mind.. Taxi drivers can be douches in any country unfortunately!
But, Is it Safe to Travel to Senegal?
Unfortunately, Senegal has the stigma of insecurity and poverty as many other African countries. However, I must say during my time I spent in Senegal, I never felt the slightest threat. Obviously, bad things can happen anywhere, and you always need to be careful, watch your pockets and bags and use your common sense. I recommend not to bring anything of value you would be sad to lose, don’t carry too much cash and don’t walk alone at night in the suburbs, which I did anyways with no problem at all here!
A random guy took me to his family late at night in Zac Mbao, Senegal
Make sure to get the Yellow Fever vaccination and to bring along the International certificate and proof of vaccination. They probably will not ask for it at the airport, but have it handy. It’s recommended to get vaccinated against Hepatitis A and B, Tetanus and Typhus and to take antimalarial medication.
I’m taking Vibradox malaria pills, which are actually the only malaria pills I don’t get a bad stomach with and I’m putting mosquito repellent on skin and clothes when the evening comes.
If you don’t want to take the Malaria prophylaxis, be very vigilant about not being bitten too much. A good mosquito net is key! Even if flats/hotels have their own, it is better to trust yours, with no holes.
A very good mosquito repellent did it for me though!
Backpacking Senegal: What to Visit
The beauty of Senegal’s capital is not really in its architecture, the dusty streets or the roads collapsed by traffic: but rather in its atmosphere and cheerful people.
The best part of Dakar though is the smiling locals walk through the city wearing flashy clothes while causing a color explosion. Though it is worth a visit, the center of Dakar is definitely not the best place for a relaxing walk. In my experience, the best of Dakar is in the outskirts of the city and in the villages along the coast (like N’gor and Yoff).
N’gor, Senegal
Africa’s tallest statue
That being said, Dakar has Africa’s tallest statue made my North Korea architects, The African Renaissance Monument, which is ment to symbolize Africa’s rebirth, potential and liberation.
Africa’s tallest statue in Dakar, Senegal
A 49 meter tall bronze statue located on top of one of the twin hills known as Collines des Mamelles, which is pretty cool!
Getting asked by a Congolese family for a pic with their son at Africa’s Tallest Statue
Pink Lake (Lake Retba)
Less than an hour away from Dakar, there is an unusual lake that will surely catch your eye due to its vivid pink color: Lake Retba (or Lac Rosé). Its distinct color is caused by the Dunaliella salina algae, which is attracted by the lake’s high salt content. The algae produces a red pigment to absorb the sunlight while giving the lake its unique color. Since the algae which gives the lake its color is completely harmless to humans, swimming is possible.
When I was there it wasn’t that pink, because it depends on many factors to get this color, but it can look like this on some occasions
Pink Lake, Lake Retba, Senegal
Saint Louis
Saint Louis, the first French colony in Africa, is one of the most fascinating cities in Senegal. Located 260 km from Dakar, the heart of this old colonial city is on a narrow island over the river Senegal and linked to the African mainland by the bridge Faidherbe.
Saint Louis, Senegal
Lompoul Desert
Senegal isn’t all about mangroves and lagoons. If you venture south of St. Louis, you’ll eventually run into the Lompoul Desert. The orange-tinted dunes in the area are similar to what you’d fine in the Sahara. While there, you can take a hike over the dunes on foot or take it easy with the help of a camel.
Soft sand dunes in Lompoul Desert, Senegal
Villages visits
I was very impulsive in Senegal and went to many small villages by myself and always met Senegalese people who welcomed me to their home, eventhough my French is absolutely limited.
Staying with Amadou’s lovely family in village Tivaouane, Senegal
If you can speak French, you will have no problem communicating in this country. If you don’t, remember the universal language in Senegal is the smile. You should also learn a few key phrases in Arabic and Wolof that you will hear all the time:
Salaam Aleikum (and the answer: Aleikum Saalam) > “peace be with you“
Nan ga deff? > “how are you?“, you will hear this all the time and you will have to respond:
Mahn gii fii > ‘I am fine“ / “I am here“
Jarrejeff > Thank you
Nookobokk > You’re welcome
Amul solo > No problem
Wow wow > Yes
Ded ett > No
Ded ett, merci > No, thank you
Alham doulilah > Thanks be to Allah
Insh allah > Allah willing
Degguma Wolof > I don’t speak Wolof
Wall painting in Dakar, Senegal
To conclude…
Having been all around Senegal from north, central to the south of Ziguinchor, the so-called “Gate of Africa” may not be the most beautiful place on earth or a holiday destination for those seeking comfort, but it has everything for a fascinating experience as a whole.
Inside the home of a family I stayed with in Senegal, Fun when they came in the living room!
Senegal is defined by its small details: the baobabs, the teranga (hospitality of its people) and the smiles of the children that you’ll meet, who will love to talk and play with the toubabs (white).
Taking two of my hosts kids to the beach for their first time with a French friend!
You will be captivated by the colorful pirogues of the fishermen, the flashy dresses of the women, the sounds of the djembe, the endless dancing nights, the mythical sept-places (and all the stories that will happen to you inside them) and the eternal African sunsets. Even the local bus ride can be fascinating!
Love this pic from the local bus in Dakar, Senegal
I know one Senegalese guy who moved to Europe in pursuit of financial happiness. He misses Senegal, he says Europe is cold and people are not happy. He is sad, because this is not like Senegal and he is already dreaming of coming back. To be honest, I understand him.
I will miss you Senegal ❤️
With my local friend Amadou and his son. Amazing hospitality!
Here are some random pictures from all over the world. One from each country/territory. I will add more here and there from new travels and adventures, so check back every now and then. Enjoy!
Tirana Square, Tirana, Albania 2016
Salaam alaikum! A gift from my Algerian host, Algiers, Algeria. 2018
In the tiny capital Andorra La Vella, Andorra 2016
With Argentinian legend Diego Maradona in Boca, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2015
In front of the big blue kiwi in Yerevan, Armenia. 2017
Inside “The G” or Melbourne Cricket Ground Stadium, which hosts +100,000 people, Melbourne, Australia. 2015
Schönbrunn Castle, Vienna, Austria 2017
Hand gestures in “the architectural love child of Paris and Dubai city,” Baku, Azerbaidjan. 2017
The Tea Club with family of the Bahrainian King, Manama, Bahrain. 2017
At the Brest Hero Fortress, a WWII memorial, in the south of Belarus. 2017
The beautiful La Grand Place City Square in Brussels, Belgium, 2017
Denmark heavily represented in Caye Caulker island, Belize. 2019
Sitting at the world-famous steps ‘Selaron Steps’ in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2016
Climbing ‘The 7 Rila Lakes’ in the Rila Mountains, Bulgaria. 2018
Burkina Faso
In a village where people and crocodiles have lived together for 300 years in Burkina Faso. Surreal! 2019
Burma / Myanmar
Chilling with the buddies in Yangon, Burma. 2018
Beautiful sunny day at the Mutianyu section, Great Wall of China, Beijing, China 2019
INSTA-SHOT 😝 Much fun walking the walls in Dubrovnik, Croatia. 2017
Week in Cyprus and here in party area Ayia Napa. 2016
Czech Republic
Charles Bridge in Prague, Czech Republic. 2018
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
Hiking around small mountain villages on the border of Congo/Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC.) 2014
Visiting the Giza Piramids, Egypt. 2013
Ezulwini Valley, in the northwest of the former Swaziland, Eswatini. 2018
In the country I went to 13 times, and also where my roots are from, the Faroe Islands. Visiting the island where my grandfather was born, Sandoy, Faroe Islands. 2015
Uspenski Cathedral on a cold Winter day in Helsinki, Finland. 2016
In Bijiro Nationalpark, The Gambia
With a police officer at a street event in Tbilisi, Georgia. 2017
In the streets of Accra, Ghana. 2019
Two homies flexing on the way to the top of Rock of Gibraltar, Gibraltar. 2018
Nothing beats a greek street, Naxos, Greece. 2018
Hitchhiking my way around the small island and British Crown Dependency, Guernsey. 2019